nine garden design ideas behind the house

Dadang Usman
2 min readFeb 20, 2022


Photo by Kilyan Sockalingum on Unsplash

A small garden, a small terrace, or a tiny terrace may require more thought than a larger space. This is because it needs fresh ideas to outsmart a small space to look bigger and slick. Thus, even the smallest plot can be turned into an outdoor retreat that is pleasing to the eye.
here are nine garden design ideas behind the house that you can imitate,
1. This minimalist zen design garden only requires an area of ​​​​even starting from 1 x 2 meters. The most important factor is complementing the elements of fine sand, green grass and stones. If there is more space, please add a mini pond and bonsai plants or whatever you choose
2. French-style garden, perfect for those of you who like to wake up early and see your various flower plants. Just place a chair and a small coffee table in one corner, then fill the garden with colorful flower plants
3. Combining Mediterranean style with tropical plants, it will also be very suitable for residences with typical Indonesian designs from the 40s to 90s which still have art deco elements
4. Another small zen garden inspiration with Japanese elements from the side of laying bamboo plants. Can be used as a decoration or fence
5. Want a minimalist garden with minimal maintenance? simply cover the entire space with green grass, then provide a footstep of river stone, brick or shaped cement
6. If you have more budget, take advantage of your minimalist garden for a gathering room, by adding a seating area
7. Want a more useful garden? Just make your backyard a hydroponic garden, or to grow vegetables, fruit, chilies, or spices that can later be consumed or sold
8. This contemporary design is perfect for a modern minimalist residence that is being loved by millennials
9. Adapting to the climate of Indonesia, this tropical Balinese-style design will make your home always feel like a vacation spot.
That’s the model and design of a minimalist backyard garden. Which one do you choose?



Dadang Usman

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